Bloop is Taking Over Cuddle Time!
Bloop is Taking Over Cuddle Time!
Why is cuddling important? Because Bloop learns how important love is. He is hugged and held by his family that adopted him. Imagine your child having a friend from the book in his arms as he reads. Imagine tucking your child in after you read the story of Bloop to her, the plush doll snuggled up next to her on the pillow.
Tara Lazar writes a witty story about how love is what makes our world go around. Mike Boldt’s illustrations pop out on the page, capturing your young reader’s imagination. The plush doll looks like the character jumped out of the book and into your child’s arms. It is soft and perfect for cuddling.
The book Bloop by Tara Lazar—author of Little Red Gliding Hood and Way Past Bedtime—tells the tale of a pug-looking alien named Bloop. His goal is to rule the world. His name? Bloop. He’s Emperor-in-Training of planet XYZ, and Earth is his practice ground. Children everywhere are going to love his impractical adventures. What they also are going to love is our plush Bloop toy!

The Bloop doll is 8.5 inches tall, and like any alien from outer space in the imaginations of many children, has green skin and a pair of antennae on his head (but Bloop calls them floofers). It has bright, embroidered details and two bulging white eyes filled with humor. He wears a white space collar (not to be confused with a cone of shame) with his name emblazoned on a vivid blue tag. This plush toy is ready to be a companion for young readers on many adventures.
Filled with comical playfulness, Bloop soon realizes what anyone watching daily life on earth would—Dogs rule! He woofs, barks, and grrrs his way around, learning all about how dogs develop super speed, how they are chauffeured around in cars, and how they bury their precious bones.
Just like all our toys, this one is made from high quality materials with special attention to detail. It is durable and will have a long, adventurous life with your child. Just as Bloop in the book found a home filled with love here on Earth, our plush doll is going to find a home in your child’s life.

Tara Lazar and Mike Boldt have created a zany world of adventure in Bloop. Now you have the chance to really make the book come alive for your child when they have the Bloop doll to embrace. Bloop is a wonderful story of an exciting journey across the galaxy and the adventures a dog has here on Earth.
What more could a child want than to end the day with a wonderful story and a Bloop doll to befriend?